söndag 4 april 2010

The new project

OK, it didn't take me long to write a new blog post, and i take the time to do it now because my code is currently messing with me... and i will go Ape if i don't take a break...

so, instead, time to reveal my new big project :)

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... (well almost)
I found this video on Youtube from a game engine called Infinity
From the second I laid my eyes on it, it changed my life for ever :)

Back in those days, I was a strictly 2D & Application programmer, i had accepted my limitations with my very limited math skills and considered 3D way to overkill.

I had made my peace with the fact that i probably would never be anything more than a Application developer, and my memorizes from the old times when i was messing around with OpenGL and C/C++ was anything but pretty.

So the idea that i would ever be able to create a game engine like Infinity seemed totally ridiculous :(

But all this changed roughly 1 year ago when i found the truly awesome XNA framework from Microsoft! :D

It might have taken me some time to get into 3D, but i think i learned everything i needed from my Liero3d project... and now, finally! i feel that i have what i need to start working on the game of my dreams, a Space-to-surface engine like Infinity!

There are several other Space-to-surface projects in existence, and here are a few that i finding very inspirational for my project:


among others :)

I have plenty of ideas for what exactly the game-play will be like, but more about this later :)

thats all for now.

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